These General Conditions of Use regulate access, navigation and use of the website with the addresses or domains, (hereinafter referred to as the “Site”).

They also regulate access, navigation and use of all pages, services and functionalities that make up the aforementioned Website, which is owned by the JIF Lighting association, which is an association with headquarters at R. de Entre-Muros 54, 2660-533 São Julião do Tojal.

The use of the Website is dependent on the User's prior consent to these Terms of Use, which are recommended to be read before using them.

Therefore, any User who accesses the Website agrees to be subject to the General Conditions that are currently in force.

By accessing and using this Website, the User acknowledges that they have read, understood and accepted these General Conditions of Use and agree with them, committing to fully comply with all their terms and conditions. If the User does not agree with these General Conditions of Use, they should not visit this Site.

Unless otherwise provided, use of the Site will be free of charge, without prejudice to the cost of connecting the corresponding communications network through which the User accesses the Site.

The User is perfectly aware and voluntarily accepts without any reservation that the use of the Website is always under their sole and exclusive responsibility.

JIF reserves the right to unilaterally modify these General Conditions of Use, at any time and without prior notice. In these cases, a new version of these General Conditions of Use will be published on the Website, which will regulate access, navigation and use of this Website from the moment of its publication.

The User undertakes to use the Website in accordance with current legislation and consequently not to carry out any act that could harm or damage the image, interests and rights of JIF or third parties, or that could harm, damage, disable or overload the Site or that prevents its normal use.

The use of the Website and the services and functionalities available will be suspended in the case of use for illegal purposes or effects, use contrary to that established in this document, use that may harm or harm the rights and interests of the JIF association or third parties, or use that in any way may damage or impede the normal use of the Website by other Users.

The Site and all its contents are the property of JIF or are used by said association with the authorization of their respective owners. The contents are protected by copyright, trademarks, other intellectual or industrial property rights, or by patents.

It is prohibited to copy, reproduce, modify, display, transmit or disclose, in any way or for any purpose, any and all content on the Website.

The User, when sending any information or materials through any means to JIF, guarantees that he or she is the owner of said materials and/or information and that they do not violate any aspect of current legislation or jeopardize the good name and conduct of others. The User also guarantees that the use of said materials and/or information by JIF does not violate any law or third party rights nor are they subject to copyright, trademarks, or any other rights such as intellectual or industrial property.

Any and all information and/or material that the User sends to JIF will become the property of JIF and in this context may be used for any and all purposes, including copies, reproductions, modifications, alterations, exhibitions, transmissions, without any limits and without any type of remuneration from JIF to the User or third parties.

When accessing the Website, the User is not automatically registered nor will any personal identification data be retained. However, certain non-personal information is collected and recorded on JIF's Internet servers (for example, the User's Internet browser type, User's operating system, IP address from which the Website's web pages are accessed), with the aim of improving User navigation and Site management.

To use certain content, pages or services, JIF may request certain personal data from the User. JIF will provide the User with the necessary information so that, in advance, they can provide their consent to the processing of their personal data by JIF.

The data collected is processed automatically and is intended to allow the user access to certain services.

The User authorizes the data to be used by JIF, even after any contract or subscription to any service by the user with JIF, for advertising, marketing or promotional purposes.

The respective holder is guaranteed, under current law, the right to access and rectify the same, as well as the right to object to the processing of data for marketing purposes.

The Site may integrate into its structure or content profiles, email applications, blogs, messaging applications, applications, news groups, forums, communities, as well as other means of communication, in publicly accessible areas that enable communication between Users.

These areas may only be used to send and receive messages that are relevant and appropriate to the forum and the topics in question.

Without exception, the User may not:

Defame, harass, stalk, threaten or violate any legal rule;
Post, upload or introduce any type of defamatory, obscene or illicit content;
Upload files or information that violates the intellectual or industrial property of others;
Violate the right to privacy of third parties;
Upload files whose contents may damage third party computers;
Carry out any type of advertising outside the context of the content;
Carry out any type of restriction that harms access to other users;
Carry out any type of action that harms the normal functioning of the Website;
Acting on behalf of another person;
Carrying out actions that violate the rules of local, national or international law;
Any and all submissions to the public areas of the Site are in the public domain, and there is therefore no type of responsibility on the part of IPA regarding the behavior and content of Users.

JIF reserves the right to cancel or withdraw any and all access to the Website or the services and features of the same Website to any and all Users who do not fully comply with these General Conditions of Use.

The user accepts that JIF, or any other entity involved in the development and updating of all or part of this Site, will never be considered responsible for any direct or indirect damage that may occur from access, navigation, use or inability to use the Website or any service offered on it.

JIF reserves the right to unilaterally change, suspend or cancel the services and content on this Site without prior notice. JIF is completely exempt from any responsibility for any direct or indirect losses and losses that may result therefrom.

JIF reserves, at any time and without prior notice, the right to unilaterally change, suspend or cancel access to this Site or even prohibit and/or restrict access to it. JIF is completely exempt from any responsibility for any direct or indirect losses or losses that may result therefrom.

JIF guarantees maximum attention to the quality of its Website, however it does not guarantee the absence of viruses or any other similar elements in the Website's contents. As such, JIF and all entities managing the Site's content and hosting are exempt from any responsibility for damages caused to the User due to the presence of viruses or other harmful elements.

This Website may integrate Links, Hyperlinks or other features that allow connection to other websites with the aim of facilitating navigation for the User. JIF does not assume any responsibility for the information contained on these same sites and also does not assume any responsibility for any damage or loss caused to the User by the contents, functionalities or characteristics of the destination sites of the aforementioned Links, Hyperlinks or other functionalities. Its use implies automatic liability on the part of the User.

The IPA has taken care to ensure that all the information contained on this Site is correct, however it does not assume any type of responsibility if said information is incorrect, incomplete or out of date.

All graphic elements and photos appearing on this Website are decorative elements and may or may not be illustrative of the activities in question, as such they may not fully represent or illustrate JIF's activities.

The total or partial use of the Site or its contents on any other website, even through a link or hyperlink, is not permitted. This restriction may be considered ineffective in the case of authorization given in writing by those responsible for JIF.

The General Conditions of Use of this Site may be changed, modified, or updated by JIF at any time. Any access to the Website after the aforementioned changes will automatically be covered by the new rules whether the User has read them or not.

These General Conditions of Use are governed by the legislation in force in Portugal.

If the User has any questions or concerns regarding this Website or these General Conditions, they should contact JIF via email.